When one says apple in Italy one immediately thinks of Val di Non in Trentino Alto Adige. Ten percent of the entire production of apples in Italy comes from this area. “Golden Delicious”, “Red Delicious” and “Rennet” are only a few of the types you will be able to taste in this beautiful valley, either fresh or in various delicatessens such as the characteristic and delicious apple strudel.  
If you are interested in a traditional and culinary experience, you must come during the “Pomaria”.

Held every year in October, it is a great festival devoted to the Val di Non apples. The Pomaria lasts an entire weekend and the peasant families of Casez, a rural village surrounded by apple orchards, organize various activities to honor the apple such as: apple tastings, cooking lessons, strudel baking and culinary competitions.

There is also a large variety of local wines and other delectable products made with apples which make the perfect souvenir to bring back home. In 2011 the Pomaria festival has attracted more than 18.000 visitors to the charming Trentino region!