Venice Historical Regatta Italy Venice attracts  more visitors then usual in September. In fact, this is the time for the historic regatta (regata storica), a very popular festival, held  on the fist Sundays of the month. The Regatta is probably the main event in  the Venice calendar. A spectacular procession  of traditional boats decorated in 16th century style with gondoliers in period costume  go by along the Grand Canal. The view of this multicoloured parade is impressive and unforgettable. A gondola carries the Doge with his wife and all the highest ranging officials up to the Grand Canal. This is a true reconstruction of the glorious past of the Venetian Maritime Republic, one of the powerful and influential State in the Mediterranean Sea.

An exciting race of gondola follows. The sport (“Voga alla veneta”) has been practiced in the Venetian lagoon for centuries.  Nowadays there are four races, divided  in terms of age and type of craft. Women and young men compete in special races. It is amazing to see large crowds of people strolling through the narrow Venetian streets and watching  with interest the stirring sight of the Regatta.