Rome hosts till April 2010 the exhibition dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci, the universal talent of Italian Renaissance, and the embodiment of the spirit of his age. An eclectic man, he was engineer, mathematician, anatomist, painter and architect, who wrote and drew all his life long.  Da Vinci was a genius in various fields of knowledge, including expertise in botany, physic, physiology, and dedicated his life to inquiring  and investigating reality. “To understand the world” was the aim of his works.

”The genius and his invention” – this is the name of the exhibition – lies in the historical Palazzo della Cancelleria.  About fifty full scale inventions are presented: some flying machines, like the precursor to the parachute, a bicycle, a hydraulic saw, and many other machines. Most of them are made of wood. They are not just models as they are all fully operational and can be touched. Machines interactivity plays the key role, as it helps to understand the genius of Leonardo. A deep interactive experience is granted and the machines are built with special processes to stand up to many visitors. The exhibition is divided and grouped into 5 sections: the four elements of nature – water, air, earth and fire, and the mechanism section.

Leonardo Da Vinci. The genius and his inventions.
Palazzo della Cancelleria – Rome
April 30, 2009 –  April 30, 2010

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