Trips 2 Italy BlogCICERO No. 2 – Anno MMX Introduction of Italy
Febbraio 2010 – Vol. 1

Dear  Trips2Italy’s Friends,
speaking about the month of February our thoughts immediately go to the most  amusing  event of the year: the Carnival. If Rio’s Carnival is  surely the most crazy among the Carnival all over the world, it is surely Venice’s Carnival the most  charming. In the first part of Cicero we are going to tell you about this great Italian event, attracting  thousands of visitors. With the hope to see you in Venice next year.

From North East our virtual trip takes you to North West. Trips2 Italy invites you to reach “the five lands” in Liguria: one of the most delightful sites  you have ever seen in your life, belonging to the World Heritage list.

But if you can visit Liguria whenever you want and  Carnival in Venice every year, there is something you can’t miss in Italy in Year 2010: go on reading Cicero and you will discover which great opportunity  this year reserves for you.

At last, an amusing news about an Italian invention. Eccentric  but  surely – believe us – excessive! Of course in Italy – like everywhere in the world – travellers can meet with some mishaps. We will be pleased anytime  to give you suggestion to travel safely. So, please do not worry and just  smile reading the last article and thinking about your next trip to Italy.

Enjoy the reading, enjoy your virtual trip!

Tommaso De Poi
CEO Trips2Italy Group