“Frozen” in Time: Six Renovated Homes in Pompeii Open to Public

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One of the most famous sites throughout Italy is Pompeii. Located in the Campania region under the majesty of Mount Vesuvius, it is one of those places that you must visit at least once in your lifetime to experience its magical atmosphere that will transport you backwards in time as you walk through its alleys […]

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An Egg-straordinary Castle

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An Enchanted Castle That Is Egg-straordinary The power of magic and legend can influence the destiny of an entire city and its people. And so it was, in medieval times in Naples, where a prophecy involving an enchanted egg became a symbol to its citizens of protection against disaster.

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Pompeii Naples archological sites 13 bodies

Archaelogical site of Pompeii

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The archaeological site of Pompeii is one Italy’s and the world’s most popular tourist destinations. This ancient Roman city was destroyed by the volcanic ashes from a catastrophic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius on August 79 A.D. Today, one can see the well preserved remains of a city and its local population that was buried alive, […]

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The History of the Statue of the Veiled Christ, in Naples

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Naples is a city steeped in history and it is home to many wonderful sights and artifacts. One of the most interesting and beautiful places to visit is Sansevero Chapel. Stepping into the chapel is like stepping back in time, and one is able to find some remarkable treasures hidden within. When you explore the […]

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Caserta: the Royal Palace

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If you are planning a trip to Italy, including the South of the country, do not forget to include “Reggia di Caserta” with its splendid park and gardens. During World War II, the soldiers of the US Fifth Army used the palace as a headquarters, and, in April 1945, the Allied forces signed an unconditional […]

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Italy: The Italian Fire Giants

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Italy is a small country, and yet it contains all types of volcanoes that can be found in other areas of the world at distances of thousands of kilometers. Southern Italy, in particular, is like an enormous pressure cooker, with its three main volcanoes. Stromboli, Etna and Vesuvius are the most famous active volcanoes on […]

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When Lingerie Helps To Travel Safely

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From Naples a curious news: in an underwear-shop located in the downtown,  it is possible to buy  for € 50,00 an original lingerie cloth. So far the invention is  reserved to women.

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